We Represent Creativity, Inventiveness and Quality
Characteristic of Italy and its Master Craftsmen

We are born in Ravenna, a city that historically has always struggled with problems of flooding and subsidence. In the past, our ancestors, thanks to their inventiveness and ability to find simple solutions to complex problems, made a virtue out of the problem: they structured a complex defence system for the city, based on flooding control.

Hidden in the middle of marshy plains, surrounded by the branches of the Po river and connected to the mainland by a causeway, Ravenna was practically impregnable. This enabled it to become the capital of Italy, first Roman, then Ostrogothic and finally Byzantine, between the 5th and 7th centuries.

RAPID anti-flooding barriers are the result of years of research, experimentation and continuous innovations. For these reasons, they are recognized as high-quality products, with attention to detail, creative in design and shapes.

RAPID patents’ team is constantly engaged in design and experimentation activities aimed at developing, testing and using new technologies, in order to update and enrich the functionality of RAPID products.

RAPID allagamento Ravenna Cripta
Produzione RAPID paratie antiallagamento barriere
Test RAPID paratie antiallagamento barriere
Test Istituto Giordano RAPID paratie antiallagamento barriere

We adopt an open innovation approach. We are constantly looking for new, innovative ideas to prevent and reduce the damage caused by floods and inundations, in order to provide our customers with the highest safety standards.

We design and build prototypes with the 3D printer. In our test bench, we experiment and test the identified solutions by recreating realistic simulations of different types of flooding.

This approach allows us to develop and test new solutions to flooding problems very quickly.

We validate the identified anti-flooding solutions with external certification bodies, such as the prestigious Giordano Institute.
Its flooding test centre is close to our research and development centre.


Our ethics require us to provide only safe, tested and certified products. We are the only manufacturer to have certified and patented our systems for lengths up to 5 meters in a single bulkhead.

All anti-flooding bulkheads are certified for the length for which they are supplied.

Limiting flood damage is a serious matter. Do not take any risks and trust only to serious and certified professionals.

We do not recommend the purchase of unsafe flooding systems, such as “do-it-yourself” systems, without test certificates issued by a certifying institute, or with certifications issued by the certifying institute, in which the tested size is not indicated.

Test Istituto Giordano RAPID barriere antiallagamento paratie
  • Una certificazione valida deve contenere le misure della barriera campione testata.

  • Most barrier manufacturers certify barriers in compartments of less than one metre in size.

  • The Eurozone has a regulatory vacuum that allows the marketing of untested devices, without a seal certification and therefore unsafe.

  • The declaration of correct installation, which is not accompanied by a product certificate mentioning the maximum measurements tested by the certifying institute, has no legal value.

  • An incomplete or invalid certification exposes you to legal risks and insurance claims, in case of flooding.

Each region has a plan for hydrogeological instability that provides specific characteristics for protection barriers against flooding. For this reason, an incomplete certification may not be accepted by local government inspectors.

RAPID Barriers certifications are commonly accepted by all public authorities, because they follow the highest European standards and comply with German guidelines of the IFT Rosenheim.

Test Istituto Giordano RAPID paratie antiallagamento

The sum of these problems prompted us to invest in certification. We have certified our barriers for sizes up to 5 metres in length as a single element.

We are the only ones on the market able to provide certification of the barrier with the declared length together with the declaration of correct installation.